Monday, October 8, 2012


"Life's short. If you don't stop and look around once and a while, you could miss it." Ferris Bueller.

Life's to short to waste my time at school. I don't need to know science or math. I guarantee you a never use this crap outside of school again besides the random occasions when I say "Spiders aren't insects because they have eight legs and insects have six." I'm wasting my gosh dang time. When I'm on my death bed 60 years from now, I'll be thinking about how the first 20 years of my life at school. My occupation will have been pokemon mating. It pays big bucks.

I just looked up the 3 most important things in life. This is what this 40 year old single blogger said.
1. Faith
2. Family
3. Integrity

I'll call B.S. The 3 things that matter most to me are:
1. Woman. You gotta love them.
2. Sports. Mainly basketball.
3. I suppose family and friends.

There's only way rule in life.

Fetch all rules.

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