Monday, December 3, 2012

Costanza quotes

(George driving with his girlfriend in his car)
George: you know I spilled a smoothie in here two days ago (proudly)
George: can't smell anything can you?
Girlfriend: banana

George: what kind of person are you?
Jerry: Pretty much you. Only successful.

George: now Jerry, remember, it's not a lie if you believe it.

George: you shoulda seen the look on her face. It was the same look my father gave me when I told him I wanted to be a ventriloquist.

George- is it my imagination or do really good looking woman walk a lot faster.
Elaine- we don't walk that fast.

George: I have huge respect for people that work with feet. I mean, dedicating your whole life to feet?

George: I don't think I'm special. My mother always tells me I'm not special.

George's girlfriend: thank you for a wonderful time George.
George: glad you enjoyed it.
Girlfriend: I haven't had a Big Mac in a long time.

George: these pretzels are making me thirsty!!!

George: where'd you meet her?
Jerry: an elevator.
George: you met her on an elevator?
Jerry: impossible right?
George: you got less than 60 seconds. It's like dismantling a time bomb.

Jerry: the best revenge is living well.

George: well that's not goin to happen.