Sunday, September 16, 2012


Love is seeing the person you love and having a loss of words. To me there are no words to describe the person you love. But how would I know? Is it possible to love this young? To be honest, I don't know if these feelings I have are true love. Is there such thing as a 'true love'? Why put true in front of it? I wish someone would describe to me what I'm suppose to feel when I see the one.
When your with the one you love, you have never been more happy. And when your not with them, you spend every gosh dang second thinking about them. It sucks. I never thought I would think of a woman more than I think about my Pokemon. I'm still I child. How could I be feeling this?
Love is never ending......


  1. I stole-- "I never thought I would think of a woman more than I think about my Pokemon." You're blog is so real, it's awesome.

  2. I agree with phyllis. That was such a cool line!

  3. " I never thought I would think of a woman more than I think about my Pokemon."- I also stole this
    aka Kurtis Brimhall

  4. "I never thought I would think of a woman more than I think about my Pokemon"
    Love this line. thanks.
